How can we help? - Shipping Live and In-Person Pick Ups

How can we help?

We are here to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have with your order, or our BSFL in general. We operate between 8am to 4pm, Monday to Friday.

Please feel free to reach out to Clayton: 0466253814 or via our Email:
If we miss your call, please leave a voicemail or text and we will get back to you asap!

We are in the process of updating contact details, please keep in mind this page will be updated accordingly over time.

Shipping Live Orders:

To ensure your order arrives safely and as fast as possible, we ship out all live larvae orders on Mondays and Tuesdays. This helps reduce any potential losses during transit and avoids weekend delays.
There's no guarantee we will have fresh live larvae in just the perfect condition on the exact day we need them (this is insect farming after all) but we will do our absolute best! We want to make sure your order gets to you in the freshest and healthiest condition possible!

Shipping Dried Orders:

We ship out all dried larvae and other dried product orders through Monday to Friday. This helps us to organize the week's shipping efficiently!

Pickups / Collecting Orders:

Now, if you'd like to pick up - our Redlands, 'farmshop' is open for walk-ins and collections on Monday to Thursday, from 9am to 3pm.
So feel free to swing by and say hello, please send us a quick message beforehand, so we can prepare your order!

If you're planning to pick up more than 100g of our amazing live, dried or frass products, we recommend placing your order online in advance. This is helpful and will ensure that you can just swing by, pick up and go.