Dried BSF Larvae
Proudly Australian Grown Dried Black Soldier Fly Larvae - ultimate feed topper or daily treat for your Backyard Chickens and Quails
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Healthy & Nutritious

Healthy & Nutritious
Insects are a natural part of chicken and quail diets
Black soldier fly are high in amino acids, helping to ensure healthy eggs and feathers
Find out Why BSF Larvae are such a good feeder for Chickens and Quails
Larvalicious grows all BSF larvae insects at our Queensland Farm - you buy direct ensuring the best quality, traceability and sustainability.
Chickens and quails naturally forage for insects for good reason, they provide a boost of protein, calcium, and are the ultimate tasty treat in the wild.
Black soldier Fly larvae are Rich in protein for healthy feathers and eggs
BSFL have 50x more calcium than mealworms
BSFL have essential amino acids for strong, shiny feathers
BSFL are the prepupation larval stage of the insect Black Soldier Fly, which is native to Australia and grows in the wild and which is increasingly being farmed.
Sometimes called Grubs - our BSFL are golden in colour.
Serve up to ¼ cup of BSF Dried Larvae per adult bird as a daily snack. When molting, supplement your feed with a double serving of protein-packed Golden Grubs. For chicks, give 1-2 pinches daily - just like they would get in nature. Serve with chick grit and access to fresh water. Introduce new foods gradually and give your flock access to grit to aid digestion.
These types of chickens will enjoy and benefit from eating BSFL:
- Appenzeller
- Plymouth Rock
- Barnevelder
- Australorp
- ISA Brown
- Naked Neck
- Orpington
- Silkie
- New Hampshire Red
- Frizzle
- Belgian d’Uccle
- d’Uccle
- Belgian
- Rhode Island Red
- Polish
- Cochin
- Leghorn
- Sussex
- Araucana
- Wyandotte
- Minorca
- Faverolles
- Sebright
- Pekin
- Easter Egger
- Old English Game Fowl
- Marans
- Brahma